Make your ‘Third Age’ the time of your life!
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is committed to everyone having the opportunity to experience an active retirement and life-long learning. The aim of U3A is to keep your mind active so that your whole quality of life is improved.
U3A is a flexible, voluntary community group that provides a variety of stimulating and life-long learning opportunities for retirees or persons over 50 years of age.
The first U3A was formed in France in 1972 and U3As quickly spread across Europe and to the rest of the world. The first group was established in Australia in 1982 and the Port Adelaide Group formed in 1986.
Tutors and members of the organizing committee work on a voluntary basis and all income is used for the benefit of the whole group.

Learning something new: about our classes
U3A classes are designed to be recreational, educational and cultural and are held in a friendly, informal atmosphere. U3A provides an opportunity to meet people and learn something as well.
Anyone interested in participating is welcome to attend a class of their choice before becoming a member.
U3A activities develop from the interests of members and the resources in our community.
What is the ‘Third Age’? Why ‘University’?
The Third Age is the description of one’s life reached after the First Age of childhood and dependence and the Second Age of working life and home-making. The Third Age is sometimes called the Age of Active Retirement. For many, it is the age of achieving one’s maximum potential after the stresses of the Second Age are past. U3As think of themselves as being universities in the original sense of the term – communities of people who come together to learn from one another, rather than as degree-granting institutions; and so U3A is a learning co-operative of older people. It encourages positive aging by enabling its members to share many educational, creative and leisure and social activities. Members are willing to share their expertise from their life experiences with others, by offering to lead courses.
Courses Available…
(Some examples of topics offered)
- Armchair travel
- Art Appreciation
- European, Australian and local History
- Famous people
- Music Appreciation
- Environmental Awareness
- Religions
- Science & Astronomy
- Poetry
- Politics
- Psychology
- Book Discussion